SSA Supplements Alpha Nitrox is chock full of extremely powerful ingredients that scientific research has shown to greatly increase your performance in the gym and help take your training up a notch or two. Arginine HCL and agmatine sulphate are two nitric oxide ingredients, while citrulline malate actually manufactures nitric oxide in the body. Vanadyl sulphate is a little-known but most powerful insulin stimulator which serves to push glycogen into the muscles to help maximize the pump. If you’re looking for a superb stimulant-free pre-workout, look no further.
As a result, the benefits you can experience from a concentrated dose of these 2 super ingredients in Alpha Nitrox are:
- Reductions in lactic acid and ammonia buildup
- Delay in muscular fatigue
- Considerable production of nitric oxide
- Increased strength and performance during training
- Extreme muscle pumps
- Take 4 Capsules 30 minutes before your workout.
Seek advice from a health care professional before use if you have any pre-existing medical condition. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing, or if you are being treated for heart disease or high blood pressure. Should not be used in conjunction with any prescription medication. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.
Tanya –
Awesome as it is stimulant free. Great for evening workouts
Anonymous –