Proteins Powder


The Multi-Faceted Benefits Of Proteins Powder


Proteins powder could easily be considered one of the most versatile workout tools available to you. In this brief guide, we will get into the muscle-building benefits of these supplements, the ways in which they can help with post-workout recovery and cover the different types of proteins powder options you can choose from.


At Prime Growth Nutrition, we believe it’s important to enrich your understanding of the supplements you are putting into your body – especially when the uses are as varied as they are with protein powder. As we normally do, we will tie in a few recommendations from our online store. So, join us as we dissect some of the many ways that these formulas can enhance your fitness and wellness journey!




Proteins Powder: What Types Of Protein Sources Can You Choose From?


When it comes to protein powder, there is ample choice available, it is just about deciding which specific effects you are searching for. Most protein sources are derived from eggs, dairy, and plant-based alternatives. However, it is important to note that there are distinct differences in the way that some of these function in the body – that’s where we come in. Allow us to make your lives that little bit easier and pick apart what these differences are.


Whey Proteins Powder


This kind of protein is sourced from cow’s milk and will likely be the style that you see most often. Whey is held in especially high regard because it offers an impressive amino acid profile, is easily absorbed by your system, and is considered to be a ‘complete’ protein. Basically, this indicates that whey protein contains all nine of the essential amino acids required for healthy bodily function.


Oftentimes, whey also contains good amounts of the acid “leucine” – this important addition plays a large role in encouraging muscle-building processes and will help you pack on weight at the gym.


In terms of digestion, it’s hard to compete with the effectiveness of whey protein powder. It boasts an incredibly high PDCAAS score, which quantifies and measures the digestibility and usability of a protein source. For most individuals, it’s extremely tough to go wrong with whey-based protein sources, and we would recommend that you try one out if you haven’t already.




Whey Isolate Proteins Powder


Whey Isolate falls into one of the three different subtypes of whey proteins. However, the difference between them can be put down to the extensive refinement and concentrated purity of whey isolate. This refinement results in a substantially lower calorie count – which is perhaps the biggest drawcard of isolate proteins. It is for this reason that many athletes and gymgoers who want to lose weight opt for this style.


Additionally, the processed nature of whey isolate makes it extremely low in lactose, quite unlike regular whey protein. So, if you are lactose intolerant or have specific dietary restrictions, whey isolate could be just the thing for you! One thing that does come part and parcel with the extensive processing of these supplements is that they do tend to be more expensive than their counterparts.


Whey Hydrolysate Proteins Powder


Whey protein hydrolysate also falls into the same family as the previous two, but again, there are differences in the way it has been formulated to perform unique roles. In the case of whey hydrolysate, it is usually treated with either enzymes, acids, or heat which “pre-digest” the formula and break down some of the peptide bonds. The result is a supplement that is incredibly easy to digest and can be tolerated by most fitness enthusiasts and athletes.


The purpose of this treatment is to ensure that your body uses less energy in digestion and can get straight to muscle protein synthesis. In some studies, whey hydrolysate has been shown to be just as effective as regular whey protein formulas. Many people swear by its use and feel that it bypasses much of the digestion process and helps them make gains more rapidly. Our bodies all function differently, so this may need to be one of those things that you find out for yourself.


Casein Proteins Powder


Casein protein does not fall into the subtypes of whey, as it typically comes from a type of protein used for making cheese. The appeal of casein protein is that it curdles in the acidic environment of the stomach, which results in it being digested at a significantly slower rate. Many bodybuilders and gym enthusiasts take casein protein before heading to bed – this then provides them with a slow release of amino acids throughout the night.


The idea is that sleep does not need to be a long fasting period for your system, rather it can be utilised to provide your body with many of the essential amino acids that it will require the following day and beyond. Casein protein powders are designed to fulfil a unique purpose and are not nearly as effective when used as a pre or post-workout supplement.




Proteins Powder: Some Recommendations From Our Online Store


Now that we’ve gone through some of the different protein sources and the areas they excel in, let’s have a look at a few fantastic products from our supplement store. At Prime Growth Nutrition, we aim to provide our customers with a selection of some of the finest local and international products on the market.


Let’s get into three proteins powder options that can assist you on your fitness journey:


Nutritech Premium Whey – Nutritech is one of the premium supplement producers in the industry, and they consider this product to be their best-in-class protein. It has been painstakingly designed to contain an impressive 23g dose of bioavailable protein, 5gs of BCAAS, and no added sugar. Sourced exclusively from grass-fed cows, this supplement can enhance a variety of processes – including weight loss, muscle growth, athletic performance, muscle tissue repair, and strength building.


Available in equally delicious strawberry and chocolate flavours, you are missing out if you decide to pass on this offering from Nutritech.


NPL 100% Whey Isolate – If you are looking for a superior whey isolate protein blend, it really doesn’t get much better than this. For maximum purity, they implemented a cold temperature cross-flow microfiltration process that ensures that the essential micro-fractions stay in the mix. This fast-digesting protein contains plenty of handy BCAAs, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, and glycomacropeptides – all of which will help you make major gains in the gym!


Additionally, this supplement boasts a remarkable 83% pure protein content, which means you are getting all the protein you need, with almost no carbohydrates at all. This single-source protein is certainly worth your consideration if you are searching for a high-quality whey isolate product.


Evolve Nutrition True Micellar Casein – Evolve Nutrition seems to release a constant stream of spectacular supplements, and this is no exception, offering high-quality sources of micellar casein proteins that should allow you to receive impressive amounts of essential amino acids throughout your sleep cycle. Casein protein can work wonders for your ability to protect and hold onto muscle tissue, as well as encourage the growth and repair of these same tissues.


This supplement also features healthy amounts of digestive fibres, which work to facilitate a microbiome in your gut and slow the digestive process further – ensuring that your system has enough time to soak up all the benefits that this formula has to offer. If you have yet to experiment with micellar casein, this is a fantastic product to start with.




How Whey Protein Stimulates Muscle-Building Processes And Recovery


Whey protein fulfils a crucial role in many of the processes linked to building muscle and making gains at the gym. When you put your system through an intense workout, the effort and energy expended by the muscle causes small tears to form in the tissue. This is where whey protein comes in – as it is considered a ‘complete’ protein, it is jam-packed full of amino acids. These essential amino acids are often referred to as the building blocks that prop up and support the muscle tissue throughout your body. As we touched on earlier, leucine plays an integral role in muscle protein synthesis, and it can be found in abundance in whey-based proteins.


So, when you have your post-workout proteins powder, your body breaks down the proteins into amino acids, which are then rushed directly to your muscles. They get to work repairing the micro-tears in the muscle tissue; however, they are not simply filling in the gaps – each time they repair these tears, the muscles are reinforced and made stronger.


This isn’t the full extent of it though, whey-based proteins also send signals to your brain and body, encouraging the creation of more muscle mass. This enables your system to work overtime creating muscle tissue, which it is more than capable of doing seeing as it’s been equipped with the protein it needs to do so. Whey proteins powder simply provides your system with all the equipment necessary for it to naturally build muscle and make drastic improvements in strength.


When it comes to recovery, you could argue that there aren’t any other supplements more crucial than whey protein powder. Interestingly, the same process by which your muscles grow is also the catalyst for most of the recovery processes. The amino acids go in and patch up the damage caused by intense exercise. This then helps your body to prepare itself for the next workout – allowing you to recover faster and get yourself back into the gym.


Additionally, whey protein helps to reduce much of the muscle soreness that comes with exercise, so the aches and pains aren’t as overbearing. Essentially, whey-based protein sources offer your system the nutrients it needs, at exactly the time it needs them. This supports most of the processes involved in healing and rebuilding your muscles.


The protein content itself is also important for recovery, as it acts as the fuel that your body needs to kickstart these processes and provide your system with energy.


Proteins Powder: In Conclusion


We hope we have covered much of the incredible versatility of protein powder – there are very few fitness supplements that can be used for such a large variety of roles. We encourage you to have a look through our online store; with such a vast selection of high-quality products, we are sure that you will come across the perfect supplement for your purposes.


At Prime Growth Nutrition, a part of our mission is to encourage more individuals to begin taking their health and fitness seriously. The community seems to be constantly growing, and we want to do our part to add to this!



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