Sleep Gummies


Sleep Gummies: The Secret To Productive Sleeping


Many people view sleep as lost time or simply getting the rest you need for the next day, however, with sleep gummies and other nighttime supplements, your sleep cycle can become so much more. In this brief guide, we will delve into the many benefits of sleep gummies, sleep support formulas, slow-release casein proteins, recovery supplements, and other products that can help your system remain productive even in a state of deep REM sleep.
These sorts of products can be a real game-changer, and surprisingly, not many people are aware that they exist – we believe it’s important to change that. As we usually do, we will offer a few recommendations from our Prime Growth Nutrition online store as we go along, to give you a sense of what we have available.




What Exactly Are Sleep Gummies?


Sleep gummies are designed to help you meet your daily health needs, encourage a night of deep, restful sleep, and provide your body with a range of essential vitamins and minerals. Vitatech Sleep Gummies are an excellent option for those seeking high-quality sleep support and impressive health benefits. Let’s have a look at some of the ingredients found within these gummies and cover the positive effects they can bring about during a night’s rest.

You may have heard of L-theanine, which is usually found in black and green herbal tea and certain mushrooms. This compound has an incredible ability to help you relax, and it has been shown to drastically reduce levels of stress and anxiety, as well as insomnia. These symptoms seem to be commonplace in today’s day and age, so any supplement capable of naturally treating them should certainly be considered.

The second major ingredient in Vitatech’s sleep gummies is Valerian extract, which is frequently found in sleep aid supplements. It has been described as “nature’s Valium” due to its remarkable calming properties. We have made good use of this herb for hundreds of years, and its effectiveness is still impressive to this day. We also stock sleep gummies for kids, and Valerian extract is known to assist children who struggle with anxiety and insomnia.

The final ingredient we will cover is GABA, also known as Gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is a naturally occurring amino acid that works in extraordinary ways. It fulfills the role of a neurotransmitter in your brain, but rather than sending and receiving chemical signals, it acts as an inhibitor, reducing the communication of unpleasant nervous system activity – fear, anxiety, stress, and can even help to prevent seizures. It is for this reason that formulas containing GABA have been skyrocketing in popularity over the last few years.

All you need to do is take two gummies thirty minutes before heading to bed, and you should begin to experience the beneficial effects in no time. This product from Vitatech should ensure that you have some of the most peaceful sleep you have experienced in ages, while also providing your system with some much-needed vitamins and minerals. To add to this, at only R119.00, you won’t need to break the bank to try it for yourself!




What Makes Casein Protein So Effective?


Casein proteins, similar to whey and other protein formulas, come from milk. However, casein functions very differently from whey, as it is absorbed at a significantly slower rate. Many bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts swear by casein-based products because the slow release of amino acids can help your system recover and avoid muscle breakdown while you sleep, on top of the muscle-building boost it can offer.

In some ways, whey and casein are opposites – whey is designed to be fast-digesting and provide your body with substantial amounts of energy to draw from, building strength and muscle. On the flip side, casein has an extremely slow absorption rate in the gut, meaning it is able to feed your cells with essential amino acids over an extended period. This includes times when your body may typically break muscle down to feed itself, like when you are sleeping or fasting.

This ability to stave off muscle breakdown is what classifies casein-based proteins as “anti-catabolic”, and this is why these types of supplements are so effective for maintaining muscle mass. Beyond this, it also acts as a protein source, providing your muscles with the energy they need to grow and develop, as well as a range of amino acids that your system is incapable of creating on its own – with leucine being the most critical of these.


NPL Micellar Casein – 750G


If you would like to make the most of your sleep cycle, we highly recommend the NPL Series Black Micellar Casein. This fantastic formula offers vast improvements to one’s strength and endurance that are tough to find anywhere else. One of the main reasons for this is that the slow release of amino acids lasts for up to 7 hours, ensuring positive nitrogen retention in your muscles for much longer than any whey proteins on the market.

We touched on the anti-catabolic effects of casein proteins, and the NPL Micellar Casein formula is an excellent example of this – allowing your body to receive surprising amounts of protein while also facilitating widespread amino acid dispersion. Each serving contains a whopping 22g of micellar casein, as well as 8.2g of L-Glutamine, 25mg of Digezyme, and much more. Nutritional Performance Labs is extremely well-regarded in the fitness world, and it is products like this that have helped them secure a spot at the top.




Why We Sleep: General Health And Wellbeing


Most of us understand the crucial nature of getting a good night’s sleep, but not everyone knows the full extent of it. At the end of the day, sleep can completely dictate your physical and mental health, and if you are not getting an adequate amount, it can have serious consequences. Almost every system in your body is heavily affected by the quality of your sleep, and if you are deprived of it for extended periods, it can result in a plethora of issues further down the line.

Mental health disorders, cardiovascular disease, hormone imbalances, obesity, muscle pain, diabetes, and immunodeficiency are just a few of the symptoms of insufficient sleep in the long term. So it certainly makes sense to ensure that you get good quality sleep each night. Almost all scientists agree that adults require seven hours of rest each night, at the bare minimum. Anything less than this can eventually compromise your mental and physical well-being.

There are a few obvious signs of sleep deprivation, including irritability, stress, and anxiety, as well as reduced attention span, and impaired decision-making and memory. Luckily, the cure for these symptoms is a few nights of adequate sleep. After this, any symptoms of sleep deprivation are quickly reversed. Good amounts of sleep can vastly increase energy levels and attention, and even positively impact your work and social life.


TNT Mercury B-232 REM Sleep – 75 Caps


With all of these things in mind, it makes sense why sleep support supplements have been quickly gaining traction in the fitness world. Easily one of the best of these is the TNT Mercury B-232 REM Sleep, which is aptly described as an ultra-high potency sleep and stress aid. Whether you are someone who works in a high-stress environment, struggles with insomnia, or loves to push the limits at the gym, this supplement undoubtedly has something to offer.

Some of the ingredients include magnesium glycinate, Valerian root, passion flower, GABA, and B6 pyridoxine, and they all work together to facilitate possibly the best sleep of your life. The best part of it is that there are zero side effects, and the formula is made up of natural ingredients, quite unlike most harmful pharmaceutical sleeping pills on the market. If you are looking to vastly improve your recovery, sleep, immune and cognitive function, this formula from TNT is the way to go!


NB: At Prime Growth Nutrition, the health and safety of our customers are always at the top of our list of priorities. It is for this reason that we recommend checking in with a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplemental routines, especially if you have any preexisting medical conditions. Every product in our online store has undergone rigorous testing to ensure that they are entirely safe for consumption, but everyone’s body is unique and reacts differently, hence the need for these disclaimers.




Sleep Gummies And The Many Benefits Of Recovery Supplements


So far, we have highlighted the importance of sleep, and how you can use this rest period to your advantage – supplementing vitamins and minerals, improving energy levels, reducing stress, and even building muscle. Now, let’s shift our focus to recovery supplements, and try to establish how you can regain energy, repair your muscles, and prepare yourself for the next gym session!

Despite the fact that recovery happens to be one of the most neglected facets of fitness, it is arguably just as crucial as the workout itself. Whenever you push your muscles past their normal limit, tiny tears are created within the muscle tissue. It is the repair of this tissue that ultimately leads to lean muscle growth, and without effective recovery, you might find that your results are simply not where you want them to be. In fact, if your muscles are not afforded any time to recover, these tears do not have an opportunity to heal at all, leading to a reduction in strength and eventually, injury.

Beyond simply allowing yourself a decent amount of time to recover from a workout, many supplements can work wonders for your system’s ability to recover from a gym session. Specifically, those that encourage or enhance muscle protein synthesis, which references how muscle cells create more protein for themselves. This provides your system with more energy-producing protein that can then get to work on increasing muscle mass and strength.

There are a few types of recovery supplements, another exceedingly useful variety is capable of reducing muscle soreness, allowing you to get back into the gym sooner. Generally, these formulas do this by bringing down the levels of lactic acid in the muscles, which is what causes this muscle stiffness to begin with. Alternatively, and perhaps better in the long term, are the supplements that speed up the entire recovery process by providing the muscles with enough nutrients and energy to keep operating while they recover.




Sleep Gummies: In Conclusion


Hopefully, you have found this guide to be interesting and useful, and perhaps it has even inspired you to take your sleep and recovery to the next level! We encourage you to have a look through our selection of products. With a catalogue as comprehensive and varied as ours, you are bound to discover the perfect supplement or product for your purposes. If you have any further questions or you would like to place an order, do not hesitate to get in touch with us today.



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