
SSA Supplements: Meeting Your Every Need


SSA Supplements, also known as Supplements South Africa, was first created in August 1999. The company always aimed to supply the highest quality products at the best prices—a goal which SSA Supplements has long since exceeded. SSA Supplements has grown by leaps and bounds by utilising amazing third-party vendors like Prime Growth Nutrition to distribute their various products. In South Africa, this supplement provider stands out as one of the best by using only the highest quality products to ensure their customers receive the necessary support to surpass their goals.


Prime Growth Nutrition’s goal has always been to stock the best gym and exercise supplement brands. It is simply the case that in South Africa, it doesn’t get much better than SSA Supplements. So, to show you just how reliable SSA products are, we will look at some of the most common categories for exercise supplements and highlight the best SSA supplements in each section—proving that SSA will meet all of your fitness needs!




Whey Protein


Regarding fitness supplements, whey protein is among the most beneficial and well-researched. Protein is one of the fundamental building blocks for healthy muscles, both for hypertrophy (the building of muscle mass) and retainment (the ability to retain muscle mass). In this regard, whey has no equal.


Whey is created as a by-product of processing milk into various dairy products. Due to the popularity of whey protein, suppliers have tried to improve the product over the years, which has led to whey protein being found in many different forms.


The three most popular forms of whey include whey protein concentrate (WPC), typically containing about 70 – 80 % protein, the most cost-effective and abundant source of whey protein on the market. Then there is also whey protein isolate (WPI), which undergoes further processing to remove the lactose and other fats from the product.


This product has a high concentration of protein, typically around 90% and is very popular amongst those who suffer from lactose intolerance as whey isolate will not affect them like WPC. Another popular form of this protein source is whey protein hydrolysate (WPH). This product is produced through the chemical process of enzymatic hydrolysis which breaks these proteins down into smaller peptides which help with faster protein absorption into the body.


All the information provided so far shows just how essential whey protein can be for reaching your fitness goals. Regarding whey protein options, no doubt purchasing an SSA supplement will give you the best quality whey protein on the market. At Prime Growth Nutrition, we supply a variety of industry-leading SSA supplement whey protein products, and we are excited to introduce you to just a few of them here:


SSA Premium Whey: This product is the quintessential whey protein source and is part of the core SSA series. With a unique combination of all three popular forms of whey protein mentioned above, you can rest assured that you were getting the optimal amino uptake profile and with some additional benefits, including increased protein synthesis, improved immune support, and so much more.


SSA Whey Extreme: A potent blend of whey protein and high-quality creatine, this supplement was perfectly designed to give you rapid results as hypertrophic muscle development aid. This supplement will also give you better muscle recovery, more energy during your workout and the stamina to keep pushing. This is a product for top-tier athletes who expect the best out of their products.


SSA 100% Whey Isolate: As already discussed, whey isolate provides a more significant percentage of protein with less fat and carbohydrates. This SSA product not only gives you these essential benefits but, because of the way it was designed, will provide you with a better amino uptake profile than traditional whey concentrate, with unnecessary fillers found in other whey products eliminated.




Fat Burners


Everyone is looking for a magic cure to help instantly solve weight loss. Although we don’t stock that magic cure at Prime Growth Nutrition, we get pretty close with our range of fat burner SSA supplements.


Although there is no magic pill when it comes to burning fat, there is a category of dietary supplements that, when taken alongside a good exercise regime and a healthy diet, have been scientifically proven to help with weight loss.


These products generally contain a combination of several active ingredients that, when taken together in the correct formulation, can help you lose weight effectively. Although the ingredients may change from product to product, some common ones are found in most dietary supplements today.


Stimulants: This is anything from caffeine to green tea extract. Stimulants work to reduce fat by increasing your body’s rate of energy burning. By expending more energy, your body burns calories, which can help you lose weight.


Thermogenics: This term refers to those ingredients that seek to alter your body temperature. Certain compounds like capsaicin or synephrine help raise your body’s temperature. When your body temperature is raised, you expend more energy and thus burn more calories.


Appetite suppressants: Certain healthy supplements like glucomannan and dietary fibre can help reduce your appetite. In this way, there will be a direct decrease in the quantity of daily food consumption, reducing your caloric intake, which can help with weight loss.


SSA supplements provide their customers with only the best products in this category, with only the highest quality ingredients being sourced. So let us show you just how great the SSA Supplements range of fat burners at Prime Growth Nutrition are with some of our favourite products listed below:


SSA Lipo Fast Appetite Control: This incredible product is an all-in-one solution that not only looks to lower your appetite but also works to mobilise fat and convert it into energy, helping increase your rate of weight loss. With its unique blend of several herbal extracts, this product will help you control your appetite, increase your metabolism, and slow down your glucose absorption.


SSA Methyl Cuts: This elite series product is one of the most effective thermogenic fat burners on the market today. This is achieved with a perfect fusion of the super 5, caffeine, tyrosine, carnitine, cayenne extract and Advantra-Z. Together, these active ingredients are able to maximise your energy output, providing you with an effective thermogenic reaction to help you burn off that fat and improve your mental focus.


SSA Thermo Lean: Losing weight is a 24/7 commitment, and this 120-capsule pack is made to help you keep at it, providing both daily and nightly support. The daytime serving includes Advantra Z as part of its potent formula, which offers a large serving of caffeine and green tea extract, helping to improve energy retention throughout the day as well as dandelion root for water reduction. The night-time formula contains alpha-lipoic acid, l-carnitine and Garcinia Cambogia – a perfect combination for non-thermogenesis fat burning while you’re asleep.




Muscle Builders


Above, we have shown you how you can burn fat effectively and how important whey protein can be to meet your fitness goals. However, as is the case for many serious gym athletes, simply adding a whey protein supplement to your workout diet will not always yield the results you are looking for.


Carbohydrates and proteins both contribute to muscle building. That is why it is crucial to have a good balance of both when trying to build muscle quickly. The main difference between these two macro supplements is as follows:


  • Carbohydrates are the body’s primary energy source. During exercise, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose to help fuel your muscles. Therefore, having a good carbohydrate supplement will ensure you are able to perform more intense workouts.
  • Protein is the building block of muscle tissue, and it is vital to take post-workout to help with muscle synthesis and recovery.


Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid (units that build protein), meaning the body can produce glutamine organically. However, it is also one of the most abundant amino acids found in the body. As a result, Glutamine has several vital effects in promoting muscle growth, including protein synthesis, muscle recovery, glycogen replacement and immune system support. Because of these crucial benefits, many glutamine-specific products have been created to help boost glutamine levels.


Testosterone is generally found in large quantities in males. This hormone plays a vital role in the development of muscles. From helping to stimulate protein synthesis to fibre hypertrophy (making the muscle fibres larger), testosterone is essential to muscle growth. It even has the added benefit of helping with muscle recovery, increasing muscle strength and even the production of growth hormones.


SSA Supplements has you covered with quality products in these areas. Let’s have a look at some of these great products now:


SSA Massive Muscle: This is a product perfectly designed for the gym goer who wants to pack on muscle quickly. With its unique blend of necessary carbohydrates and protein packed into every serving, results will follow soon. For example, a serving of 75 grams contains 20 grams of protein and 46 grams of carbohydrates, meaning you will have the energy to push yourself past your previous limits.


SSA 100% Pure Glutamine: This flagship product is 100% glutamine, which means you get 100% of all the benefits associated with glutamine immediately, without worrying about what else is in the fine print. This product will help you build muscle quickly and recover even faster.


SSA Test Stack: This smartly designed product is the ultimate testosterone supplement. It will help increase testosterone production and provide fantastic benefits by producing luteinising hormones, increasing muscle strength, faster recovery times, and accelerated fat loss.


SSA Supplements: An Industry Leader


In this article, we have summarised exactly how SSA Supplements had brought innovative, high-quality products to the table. Here, at Prime Growth Nutrition, we stock all of the products listed in this article and so much more! If you are serious about smashing your fitness goals and want to see fast, apparent results, don’t hesitate to hop online and visit the Prime Growth Nutrition website to order your SSA supplements today.



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