Supplement Shop

Supplement Shop: How To Make Our Gym Supplements Work For You 


We, at Prime Growth Nutrition, have a large variety of incredibly useful products in our supplement shop. Be it bodybuilding or simple fitness, anyone who is aiming to reach their gym goals will want to make use of one or two gym supplements along the way. In the following article, we will look at the benefits of some of our popular gym supplements and the best ways in which to achieve optimal results while using these supplements.


We are extremely passionate about helping our customers reach their goals, and we strive to provide the best supplements for all your fitness needs. Keep reading as we dissect some of the most popular gym supplements on the market, from whey protein and creatine to pre-workout supplements and more. We will also offer some helpful product recommendations from our very own supplement shop.




5 Reasons Why Whey Protein Is Beneficial When Working Out


Whey protein is one of the most well-known forms of gym supplements available on the market these days, and there is certainly no shortage of great options to choose from. Here are 5 important ways in which whey protein enhances your workout and improves results at the gym.


1.Whey protein is a fast-acting source of protein, which essentially means that it is absorbed quickly by the body. This happens because whey is made up of smaller peptides, which are much easier for the body to break down and use to repair muscle tissue.


This supplement is also very rich in leucine; an essential amino acid that is known for its ability to stimulate muscle protein synthesis – which assists in rebuilding and repairing muscle tissue. For this reason, using whey protein soon after a gym session can help to optimise muscle recovery and growth.


2.Whey protein is also an important source of vital amino acids – the building blocks of all muscles. Consuming whey can help to significantly increase muscle mass and strength by giving the body the necessary amino acids to support this desired muscle growth.


3.Whey protein is also known to have a significant positive effect on metabolism. This is because the protein in whey is thermogenic, which means it increases the body’s ability to actively burn calories. On top of this, whey increases levels of hormones like glucagon, which helps to mobilise stored fats in the body. This means that whey protein can aid in weight loss and body composition as well as muscle growth. It’s safe to say that whey protein is an “all-rounder” type of formula available at our supplement store.


4.Whey can greatly reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery time after an intense workout. This is the case because whey protein contains certain anti-inflammatory properties and has also been proven to reduce muscle damage over the long term. This is extremely beneficial for gym-goers who engage in regular, heavy exercise and are looking to improve their recovery time.




5.Another reason we highly suggest picking up some whey protein from our supplement shop is that it is also a convenient and easy way to increase protein intake. Whey protein can be conveniently added to smoothies and shakes and can also serve as an ingredient when cooking and baking.


Some people have difficulty consuming all the protein necessary to build a lot of muscle and whey simplifies this process significantly – especially for some vegetarians, who often have some difficulty receiving enough protein from plant-based sources.


A whey product from our supplement shop that we highly recommend is the NPL Platinum Whey Protein gym supplement. This product is a great source of protein and has no added sugar. It is an excellent muscle-building stimulant and aids massively in recovery too. We suggest visiting our supplement shop or online store to scoop up some whey protein for your next gym session.


5 Reasons Why Creatine Is A Supplemental Must-Have


Creatine is a supplement that many veteran gym-goers absolutely swear by, and there are many good reasons why this is the case. While creatine is a naturally occurring phenomenon in your body, creatine supplementation proves incredibly useful when it comes to smashing your fitness goals. Let’s look at 5 reasons why creatine is highly recommended in the gyming industry.


1.Creatine supplements help the body to accelerate the production of phosphocreatine, which leads to an increase in adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which happens to be the primary energy currency of the body. This results in a vast increase in energy production, allowing longer and more intense workout sessions.


2.Creatine has been shown to enhance muscle strength and power in impressive ways. Studies have proven that taking creatine can enhance muscle strength and quick-twitch output, which means that you should notice a large improvement in performance in high-intensity, short-duration exercises like weight lifting and sprints.


3.Creatine supplements, much like whey protein, can improve muscle recovery. Creatine has been shown to significantly reduce the inflammation caused by an intense workout, which will help to speed up recovery time and have you working out harder than before. It also decreases muscle soreness, leaving you with less general muscle pain.


4.Creatine will help to build muscle mass much faster. It works by prompting your body to increase water content within the muscles, which then leads to a noticeable increase in muscle size and volume. Additionally, creatine will stimulate the synthesis of muscle protein, which leads to muscle growth – Just another great reason to check out creatine-based products in our supplement shop!


5.Creatine supplements are a super convenient and simple way to boost your creatine intake. They are available in various capsule and powder forms which can all be easily added to shakes and smoothies. This makes it far easier for individuals to successfully increase their creatine intake and achieve their fitness goals.




One of our go-to creatine supplement recommendations is the SSA Supplements Creatine Supreme in our supplement shop. Creatine is perhaps the most tried and tested supplement on the market and has become a staple in the world of fitness and sport.


3 Reasons To Use Recovery-Based Supplements


Recovery-based supplements are not as well known as the above-mentioned gym supplements – that does not mean they are not exceptionally useful for those who exercise regularly. Let’s get into 3 reasons why this is the case.


1.Recovery-based supplements such as amino acids and glutamine can be hugely beneficial for muscle growth and repair. Glutamine is an amino acid itself, but it is specifically important for protein synthesis, which is the vital bodily process that builds and repairs muscle tissues.


Amino acids, in a general sense, are the building blocks that make up proteins and are absolutely essential for muscle recovery. Recovery-based supplements – of which we have many in our online supplement shop – will ensure that your body has adequate nutrients to repair and rebuild muscle tissue after an intense gym session.


2.They will also assist in reducing muscle soreness and intense fatigue, allowing you to be far more consistent with your training. Glutamine, especially, has been proven to possess anti-inflammatory properties, which are invaluable in terms of recovery. Additionally, some amino acids known as branched-chain amino acids or BCAAs have been proven to boost muscle endurance greatly and reduce fatigue. This allows you to be far more energetic during your next workout.


3.Recovery-based supplements can also improve the functioning of your immune system. Glutamine is a vital nutrient for the immune system – if one has a deficiency in glutamine it can lead to a weakened immune system. Using these types of products from our supplement shop, especially after an intense exercise session, will boost the immune system significantly, preventing infections and illnesses that come about from a weakened immune system.


We encourage you to try the excellent SSA Supplements 100% Pure Glutamine formula. This product from our online supplement shop will have your back in the gym, allowing you to feel as fresh as ever, no matter how intense your previous workout was. It has also been shown to improve intestinal health and immune vitality.


The most important attribute of this product is the major improvement in recovery and muscle development. While we highly recommend this product, It’s important to find a supplement that works for your body and your specific needs – Remember to always consult with your doctor or coach before trying out new supplements.




Supplements Shop: Make Our Products Work For You


As beneficial as the supplements from our online supplement shop are – it is always important to be aware of the correct usage and suggested dosages for these supplements. Whey protein is absolutely essential if you are looking to build muscle effectively. However, it is important to note that excessive use of these types of protein supplements can lead to kidney damage and consuming more than is necessary can lead to a calorie surplus and, eventually, weight gain.


Creatine is a naturally occurring compound often found in small amounts in red meat and a few other foods. Increasing the body’s natural creatine reserves is massively beneficial in almost every sense – however, too much of anything can be a bad thing. Excessive amounts of creatine-based supplement consumption can lead to an upset stomach and, in very rare cases, kidney damage.


We, at Prime Growth Nutrition, have our customers’ best interests and well-being at heart. It is very important to note that protein supplements and performance boosters should be used in conjunction with regular exercise and a balanced diet, not as a replacement for them.


Always try to be aware of the recommended dosages. If you have any underlying health issues, consult with a doctor before trying out a new supplement. With all of these things in mind, you can truly look forward to reaping the benefits of the excellent products from our supplement shop.


Supplement Shop: Prime Growth Nutrition


In addition to some of the amazing supplements we have already mentioned, we offer a vast array of reliable health and fitness products. Some popular mentions include weight management products such as fat burners and diuretics. We have products catered towards general health including vitamins and minerals, collagen, immune boosters, and antioxidants just to name a few.


Fat burners and other similar products are extremely helpful for those seeking to slim down and reach a healthy weight. Everyone has to start somewhere and we welcome all with open arms.


Our range of vitamins and minerals serves to improve general health and well-being. It can be difficult nowadays to make sure you are getting all of the necessary nutrients and vitamins from your diet alone – make your life a little easier by considering one of the great multivitamins from our supplement shop to keep your body happy and healthy every day.


About Prime Growth Nutrition


Here, at Prime Growth Nutrition, we are extremely passionate about fitness and well-being. We strive to provide products that allow you to give your body the backing it deserves. With an impressive catalogue of protein powders, weight management products, recovery-based formulas, performance boosters, and general health-related products, you will be spoiled for choice at our online supplement store.


Check it out for yourself and be amazed at just how quickly you can smash your fitness goals and improve your quality of life when you rely on the right supplements.





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