
Top 10 Reasons To Consider NPL Whey Protein


When it comes to increasing muscle mass and improving overall health, NPL Whey Protein is among the best premium protein supplements in the fitness world. There is a wide array of benefits that come with regular protein consumption, these supplements do more than just improve the lives of athletes and bodybuilders. They provide a multitude of health and wellness benefits to individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds – some of which may surprise you.


From its ability to enhance weight loss and reduce blood pressure, NPL whey protein is a worthy addition for anyone seeking a healthier lifestyle. In this brief guide, we’ve broken down the top ten reasons why we believe whey protein can enhance your health regimen. If you are curious to find out more, this short read covers all the bases on whey protein and why you should consider using it.




What Is NPL Whey Protein?


Nutritional Performance Labs (NPL) is a trusted and proudly South African supplement brand specialising in sports performance for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. When it comes to high-quality protein powders and other supplements on the market, NPL is considered one of the best brands out there. They create many protein blends, all of which offer distinct benefits and qualities. Some of these options include NPL Platinum Whey Protein, NPL Anabolic Whey, and NPL 100% Whey Isolate.


Whether you’re hoping to amplify the results of your workout routines or would like to lead a healthier lifestyle, NPL and Prime Growth Nutrition are here to provide an impressive selection of top-of-the-line products. Before we unpack the many benefits of whey protein, it’s important to understand what it is, where it comes from, and how it’s made. In its natural form, whey is a liquid that comes about during the production process of cheese. When milk is curdled to form cheese, the leftover liquid that is separated from the curds is known as whey.


To create whey protein from liquid whey, membrane processing methods are used to extract and concentrate the protein from the liquid. In the protein industry, cross-flow ultrafiltration is regarded as the ultimate standard for whey protein production, as it offers a gentler approach to protein extraction and doesn’t use chemicals.


Top 10 Reasons To Take NPL Whey Protein


Given its extensive range of health benefits and high nutritional value, it’s no surprise that whey is the most popular form of protein powder on the market. Whey protein does more than simply boost fitness routines for gym enthusiasts and athletes – it also improves people’s general well-being and assists in many facets of health. From its positive effects on the immune system to its ability to contribute to weight loss, the benefits of whey protein continue to compound.


We’ve compiled the top 10 reasons why taking NPL whey protein is a worthy addition to your lifestyle and how it can improve your overall health:




Reduces Inflammation


When the body is undergoing any form of harm, be it a virus, injury, or dangerous bacteria, inflammation occurs. This happens as a response to potential damage in the body and helps it to heal. However, if inflammation occurs too regularly and for prolonged periods, it can be dangerous, especially if it’s chronic. If left untreated, chronic inflammation can make the body more susceptible to disease and infection. One way to aid with this is by taking whey protein. Scientific studies have shown that whey protein helps to reduce inflammation in the body. This is because whey protein supplements can lower significant amounts of C-reactive protein (CRP), a protein which is released in the body during inflammation.


Improves Antioxidants In The Body


Antioxidants are crucial for leading a healthy lifestyle, as they reduce the risk of diseases like cancer and heart disease. Diseases of these kinds are oxidative stress-related, which can be aided by supplementing antioxidants to fight off the risk of contracting infection. When it comes to the production of protein and tissue repair in the body, glutathione is an essential antioxidant.


If you want to up your glutathione levels for overall health in the body, NPL whey protein is a great way to boost your antioxidant intake. This is because whey protein is packed with amino acids and is a high cysteine substance, which is essential to produce glutathione. Whey protein helps to strengthen the body’s antioxidant defences, meaning it is better equipped to fight off chronic diseases and oxidative stress.




Helps With Weight Loss


As whey powder is packed with so much protein, consuming the recommended daily serving significantly helps with weight loss. When combined with weight training or other forms of exercise, increasing your protein intake is an effective way to lose weight and see results quickly. Unlike other substances aimed at weight loss, whey protein helps to sustain muscle mass in the body while simultaneously assisting the processes that lead to fat loss.


When you’re consuming protein, you’re less likely to consume extra calories, as protein is considered an appetite suppressant. Additionally, protein sheds calories off the body by increasing metabolism activity. While all protein types can help with weight loss, whey protein has been proven to be especially effective for burning fat and helping to curb hunger.


Boosts The Growth Of Muscles


One of the main benefits that come with taking NPL whey protein and other high-quality alternatives is an improvement in muscle growth, especially for age-related muscle loss. While ageing is inevitable, losing huge amounts of muscle mass and strength is not. With the proper training regimen and diet, muscles can be repaired and rebuilt within the body. One of the most effective ways to increase muscle growth is by ingesting whey protein in combination with strength training.


Leucine, which is found in whey protein, is a crucial amino acid for regulating metabolism and tissue regeneration in the body. Out of all the amino acids found within our bodies, leucine is considered the most powerful enhancer of muscle growth. As NPL whey protein formulas typically feature an abundance of leucine, it is more effective than other protein supplements for boosting strength and increasing muscle mass.


Reduces Cholesterol Levels


Another health benefit that is associated with taking whey protein is lowered cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels are an especially dangerous health risk, as they can potentially lead to heart disease or strokes. One of the reasons why most NPL whey protein is so effective for reducing cholesterol levels is because it contains lactoferrin.


Lactoferrin is a protein found mostly in animal and human milk, as well as other bodily fluids, that can prevent low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) from leading to heart-related disease. Studies have shown that if you take the recommended dose of NPL whey protein regularly, you may be able to lower your cholesterol levels substantially.


Can Be Beneficial To Individuals With Diabetes


Diabetes, specifically type 2, is a condition that affects the body’s insulin and blood sugar levels. Insulin is essential for the body, as it distributes sugar in the blood to areas of the body that require it for energy production. Without properly regulated insulin, the body’s blood sugar levels are heightened, which can lead to a string of health conditions ranging from minor to life-threatening.


As whey protein has been proven to even out the body’s blood sugar levels, it is an effective way to aid those with type 2 diabetes who lack adequate insulin. Whether you suffer from type 2 diabetes or not, consuming whey protein supplements with meals that are high in carbohydrates is a great way to sustain healthy blood sugar levels.


Top-Notch Protein Source


Protein is fundamental for all healthy, living bodies. We need protein in our system so that our bodies can perform important functions, such as repairing bones and muscles and producing enzymes and hormones. You can find protein in a variety of different foods with different levels of concentration. NPL whey protein is a highly concentrated form of protein that comes in the form of an easily digestible powder.


As it is so high quality, whey protein is packed with all the basic amino acids our bodies need to run efficiently. Additionally, because NPL whey protein powder has been developed for easy consumption, the gut absorbs it far quicker than other protein types. This is especially beneficial to health enthusiasts with busy schedules who need a quick pick-me-up in the morning to get their essential nutrients in.


Decreases Blood Pressure


If you want to lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of contracting heart disease, especially if you’re a mildly hypertensive adult, NPL whey protein may be able to help you. Studies have shown that consistently consuming whey protein can decrease blood pressure in the body. While there are limited studies that prove decreased blood pressure levels from whey protein, those with preexisting blood pressure issues can expect to see a significant drop in their blood pressure levels. The main reason why whey protein helps reduce blood pressure is because of its bioactive peptides, referred to as lactokinins.


Reduces Hunger And Is Satiating


Ensuring a balanced diet involves more than just eating enough nutrients throughout the day. It also means feeling full and satisfied at the end of a meal. The best meals for anyone hoping to improve their overall health should be nutritious and satiating. One reason why so many athletes and fitness enthusiasts keep choosing NPL whey protein is because it’s incredibly filling, despite its powder base.


This is because protein, compared to fats and carbs, is considered the most satiating of all the macronutrients. If you struggle with cravings or increased hunger throughout your day but don’t have the time to make extra meals, NPL whey protein is a great way to get in more protein with fewer calories. As you can imagine, this can also be incredibly helpful for those trying to reach their weight loss goals.


Helps With Inflammatory Bowel Diseases


Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a term used to describe conditions that lead to the inflammation of parts of the digestive tract. The most common types of IBD are ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. While there are very few studies on whether whey protein directly assists with IBD, existing studies on both animals and humans have shown that ingesting whey protein may be able to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with IBD. Further studies must be conducted to confirm these claims.


In Conclusion


As we usually do, we will offer a quick disclaimer. Before beginning any new supplemental routines, we recommend checking in with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any preexisting conditions. While all our products are perfectly safe for consumption, it is always smart to err on the side of caution, as all our bodies work differently. With that, we come to the end of the guide. Hopefully, you have learned a thing or two about the numerous benefits of regular whey protein consumption. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us today!



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