
NPL Supplements: A Brief Rundown


NPL is the well-known acronym you may have noticed when browsing through the variety of sports supplements and protein shakes that line the shelves of your local pharmacies. NPL, fully accredited as “Nutritional Performance Labs”, is deemed one of the most trustworthy brands within South Africa, with the goal of promoting transparency about their products and providing the best quality nutrients and supplements for both health benefits and exercise improvements.


For those new to the scene or unsure of where to start a health and fitness journey, Prime Growth Nutrition is here to give you a better understanding of the various NPL supplements available to you at our online store.




What Are The Benefits Of Taking NPL Supplements?


NPL supplements help to support fitness, bodybuilding, weight loss, boosting growth hormones, and improving athletic performance and endurance – to name a few. Below we will discuss a variety of the benefits that can be found when using NPL supplements, along with an explanation to key terms and features of certain common types of NPL supplements.


Weight loss and management


NPL supplements include a range of products that aim to provide a healthy and safe means to lose weight. These NPL supplements are a convenient and affordable solution to start a journey of weight loss and improvement to your body image. Most NPL supplements aimed at weight loss contain high protein, low GI carbs with no added sugar, and aim to help you lose weight while still providing your body with all the nutritional value it needs to stay lean.


An NPL supplement perfect for this, and offered by Prime Growth Nutrition, is the NPL Diet Pro. This NPL supplement is a balanced weight-loss shake that is perfectly suited for those on the go and not only boosts your energy and mood, but tastes amazing too. More information on the Diet Pro NPL supplement is provided on our site.


For those wishing for an NPL supplement that burns fat faster, look no further because Prime Growth Nutrition offers a variety of supplements that do just that. NPL Thermo Cuts Black is another NPL supplement accredited as a professional weight management system – with select ingredients that were chosen due to their successful clinical trials with the combined intention of stimulating a lipotropic and thermogenic response. NPL supplements under this category aim to break down fat faster, and increase metabolism and energy expenditure through means of precise, safe and tested formulae.


Energising and mental focus


One of the positive effects and desired outcomes that can be found in many NPL supplements is the effect of boosting and enhancing mental focus. These NPL supplements intend to provide the consumer with enhanced mental and cognitive functioning and concentration.


NPL Amino Burn is one of the various NPL supplements available on Prime Growth Nutrition that allows for a boost to the user’s mental focus as well as promoting a better and more productive mood. These NPL supplements are used to provide energy for any time of the day. NPL Amino Burn is a great-tasting amino acid energy drink that is primarily used by those wishing to lose weight while preserving lean muscle.




One of the most well-known and used forms of sports supplements are protein shakes and protein powders. NPL is no stranger to this, as they provide a wide range of different protein shakes and powders. These supplements aim to increase protein intake in a convenient and efficient manner.


One of these NPL supplements aimed at protein intake that can be found on the Prime Growth Nutrition page is NPL Platinum Whey Protein. This product contains the cleanest and purest whey protein and can be used for shakes, snacks, and desserts.


Creatine boost and supplements


Creatine is naturally produced within the body and is a fundamental component of the production of energy when the body is exerting itself physically. NPL provides many supplements that are dedicated primarily to increasing creatine in the body. These supplements that contain creatine provide for an enhanced athletic performance, increase in muscle mass, improvement of muscle recovery and further cognitive benefits. Creatine supplements are available in many forms, such as creatine ethyl ester, creatine hydrochloride, and creatine monohydrate; many of which are provided by NPL supplements.


An example of an NPL supplement from Prime Growth Nutrition that specially caters for creatine supplementation is NPL Creatine Monohydrate. This supplement helps to increase overall strength, power and endurance, and provides for the most readily absorbed variable of creatine. This supplement is made up of pure creatine monohydrate and is great for promoting muscle recovery and buffering lactic acid buildup.




Testosterone boost


Many NPL supplements also provide an increase in testosterone levels of the person in question. The benefits of utilising NPL supplements that boost testosterone levels include an enhancement of libido and vitality, improved sleep, improved recovery and a natural elevation of testosterone levels.


One such example of the various testosterone-boosting NPL supplements is the NPL Test Surge. This NPL supplement, which promotes testosterone support, safely raises testosterone levels in the body by combining the optimal doses of research-proven ingredients to ensure the perfect testosterone support stack.


While you sleep


There are even supplements available for those who work hard at the gym but do not see desired outcomes fast enough, as well as those who do not always have the time during their busy lives and schedules to go to the gym or exercise. Certain NPL supplements can be used solely, or in addition, while you sleep in order to manage your weight. These NPL supplements aim to assist in burning calories while you sleep through scientifically proven, all-natural, metabolism-promoting ingredients. Coinciding with weight management, these NPL supplements also provide the user with a more restful and peaceful sleep.


One of the many NPL supplements available for this purpose is the NPL Night Time Burn. These capsules are designed to support body toning, aid in sleep and provide a relief of stress, among other benefits, and are perfect for those looking for additional means of stress relief and weight loss.


For women


Certain NPL supplements have been aimed specifically at women and their needs and desires. It is a well-known fact that women and men are built differently, and our bodies build muscle and lose fat at different paces. Accordingly, there are various NPL supplements that have been dedicated to providing women with exactly what they need and promoting inclusivity and body positivity.


One of the various NPL supplements aimed towards women is the NPL Vita Women Multivitamin. This NPL supplement is a full-spectrum multivitamin and mineral complex that aims to promote overall wellness and health and provides minerals for supporting healthy skin, hair and nails. These NPL supplements are specifically designed for active women who desire a healthier lifestyle. The benefits of these types of NPL supplements, as mentioned, include the promotion of healthy skin, hair and nails, as well as promoting healthy digestion, boosting energy and improving vitality.




Prime Growth Nutrition


Whether your preferred NPL supplements are in powder and shake form, capsulated, or liquid, Prime Growth Nutrition has any and all the NPL supplements you can imagine with a detailed description of each, their benefits, as well as a recommended method of use. Prime Growth Nutrition is the perfect site to find and acquire the NPL supplements that best fits you and your desired goals.


With each NPL supplement, there is a detailed picture of both the product as well as a picture of the ingredients or typical nutritional information, both of which may be zoomed into. Along with each product, there will be a brief description containing an overview, benefits, suggested use, disclaimer and any further information and reviews that have been provided.


For more information on any of our products, please do not hesitate to contact us for guidance or additional information. We, at Prime Growth Nutrition, have a dedicated Supplement Specialist Team available and on standby to assist both men and women with any concerns, queries, or clarifications you may need.



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